
20 October 2016

Scottish Border Council promotes living wage and fair trade

The Scottish Border Council has adopted a new sustainable procurement charter, which sets out how the council will use its procurement activities to meet strategic objectives. The new charter aims to use innovation to foster greater sustainability, and to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the local community.

In addition to promoting social, economic and environmental best practice among suppliers, the charter also encourages businesses to pay employees the Scottish Living Wage, which surpasses the national minimum wage. The purchase of fair trade products across all council services is encouraged through the charter, with fair trade embedded into contracts with suppliers.

The aim of the council is to create a mixed supplier economy in which SMEs and local businesses are contracted in addition to larger companies. The council will also consider adopting EU procedure, such as European Innovation Partnerships, to support the take up of innovative technologies and services.

For more information, visit